Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Our Father interpretation: Who art in heaven

This is one that people often misunderstand. They believe heaven to be a "material" place. To me this is absurd. We are not the bodies we are living in. These bodies, as the new testament points out, are like tents and our souls inhabit these tents. Our are souls/spirits are what we truly are. For this reason, heaven is not a materialistic place of the fabled milk and honey. Heaven is the term used to describe our ultimate goal in life. That being to find our way back to God, our Father. Everyone who believes in God, knows He is everywhere (omnipresent). With that being said, "who art in heaven," would imply that everywhere is heaven, right? God is not a physical being, I know he could manifest as one but that is not the point. When the bible states we are mad in His image, it is referring to the spiritual us, our souls. And for us to find our way back to God we must 1st realize this and then live our lives accordingly. For no one will make it back to God by living a materialistic life, for it is contrary to what God is and what heaven represents.

Matthew 5:48 (spiritual not human)
Matthew 6:21
Matthew 6:24
2Corinthians 5:1

Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Our Father interpretation: Our Father

Our Father:  To me this means we are all God's children. We are all one family. This means we are to treat everyone as if they were a part of our own family. This is to include unconditional love. Jesus says we are "One", which is in reference to us spiritually. Jesus never taught anything pertaining to the material world, it's goods or values. Those who say that He did are mistaken. Jesus abhorred money and material things because He knows that the things of this world detract from the spiritual and only keep us from finding and following the path that leads back to our heavenly Father. Many believe that what they are teaching the same things that Jesus taught, but if their teachings involve improving ones social status or material well being, they are in fact teaching the opposite. We need to focus on the fact that we all come from the same origins, that being our Father in heaven. And we will all return to Him one day. But if we fail to put God first and see others as our brothers and sisters, then the path we need to find and follow back to God is nowhere in sight. The world today needs to realize this or the pains we are headed for are going to be severe.
Matthew 6:19
Matthew 22:37-40
Matthew 6:33 (these things=spiritual)